Chief Marketing Officer

A Chief Marketing Officer -- or CMO -- is the person in charge of a company's marketing plan.

CPA Marketing

CPA (Cost Per Action or Acquisition) Marketing refers to an online strategy where an advertiser pays the web publisher every time a customer takes a specific action.

CPI Mobile Campaign

A CPI or Cost Per Install Mobile Campaign is a marketing strategy targeting mobile device users to download an app that's been advertised across platforms and in social media.

Daily Active Users (DAU)

Daily Active Users, or DAU, is the measurement of the number of users who are active on an app or website each day.

Engaged User

An Engaged User is an online consumer who responds to offers, products and services by clicking, sharing, liking or commenting on any content or post within a website’s page.

Free-Standing Inserts (FSI)

You open a newspaper or magazine and out falls floating and unbound print advertisements. Welcome to the world of Free-standing Inserts (FSI) marketing.

Go To Market Strategy (GTM)

Go to market (GTM) strategy is the piece of the overall business strategy a company uses to deliver its product to customers. GTM focuses primarily on identifying the points where consumers can access a new product.

Incent Traffic

Incent traffic, or incentivized traffic, is traffic generated to a web or app page based on a system of rewards. A user receives some type of reward, such as a discount, for clicking on a link. The goal of incent traffic is to get a large group of customers in a very short period of &hellip; <a href=""><span class="more">More</span></a>

Insertion Order

An insertion order is a contract between an advertiser or advertising agency and a publisher to run an advertising campaign in print or online.

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) blends together traditional and innovative communications techniques incorporating public relations, advertising, sales and marketing into one coherent and harmonious message. IMC creates an entirely new toolbox for companies to use when launching comprehensive marketing campaigns. By combining all of the communication elements, companies can keep costs down and profits up while &hellip; <a href=""><span class="more">More</span></a>

Market Umbrella

A market umbrella, or umbrella branding, is when company&#8217;s sell different types of products under the same brand name. Market umbrellas are often used by companies that already have strong brand identity and value.

Millennial Marketing

Millennial Marketing targets the millennial generation and their common characteristics. Millennials, also known as Generation Y, were born in the the late 1980&#8217;s to the mid-1990&#8217;s. Like any generation, there&#8217;s a laundry list of characteristics used to describe them. A few that are helpful when marketing include general open-mindedness, value of material goods, fluency in &hellip; <a href=""><span class="more">More</span></a>

Non-Incent Traffic

Non-Incent Traffic, also known as non-incentivized traffic, is a marketing strategy compelling users to download an app and take an action without a reward from the advertiser. Motivating non-incent traffic requires the advertiser to show that the app is relevant in the user&#8217;s life. This strategy can boost post-install involvement with high-quality users. Advertisers are &hellip; <a href=""><span class="more">More</span></a>

Organic Uplift

An organic uplift is a form of scientific marketing analysis that measures how a campaign affects certain key metrics on individual behavior like engagement, conversions, or in-app spending. Marketing directors want to see how and why their sales increase during certain advertising campaigns. In order to gauge the campaign’s organic traffic, it’s important to have &hellip; <a href=""><span class="more">More</span></a>

Partnership Marketing

Partnership marketing is based on shared interest between two companies or entities and seeks to build brand awareness for both through product offerings or provision of other benefits to consumers. Google sponsored wi-fi at Starbucks is an example of partnership marketing.