Insertion Order
What is an insertion order
An insertion order is a contract between an advertiser or advertising agency and a publisher to run an advertising campaign in print or online.
How insertion orders work
Final step
An insertion order is the final step in the process of negotiation between an advertiser and a publisher to launch an advertising campaign.
Elements of the order
An insertion order contains a start date and an end date, number of impressions sought, and pricing structure. Like other contracts, it outlines the details.
Represents a win
The advertising business is competitive, so insertions orders are the final evidence that a publisher has won the business of advertisers and it often will use the win as leverage to gain new business.
Why do insertion orders matter
They seal the deal
Advertisers are locked into a contract so publishers know they can rely on the ad revenue to manage their cash flow.
They can lead to more ad business
Once insertion orders are signed, publishers can leverage them to reach out to potential new advertisers. Real ad deals build pedigree, and smart publishers will leverage those relationships with ad buyers to expand their advertising base.
The advertiser is in control
Insertion orders are prescriptive, meaning the company purchasing the ads has control over when and where the ads are placed. It can increase advertising ROI and limit chances advertising reaches the wrong audience.