Millennial Marketing Agency

Millennial Marketing Agency

TOP is an expert marketing agency helping brands and businesses looking to connect to an audience of millennials all around the world.

Millennial Marketing Agency

About us.

We evolve to make sure you remain relevant

Reaching and influencing millennials is what we do best. Our team is constantly adapting to new trends and revamping our approach to remain ahead of the competition. We’re a data-driven and results focused agency that puts your brand’s product, service, or cause first. We build connections, increase awareness, and drive sales.

Whether you’re looking to activate via a cutting edge public relations campaign, make an impact on social, or increase your ROI on SEO and SEM, we have the knowledge to propel you to where you want to be. Above all, we know how to engage millennials, and even better we know how to get millennials engaging with you.

Reaching and influencing millennials is what we do best. Our team is constantly adapting to new trends and revamping our approach to remain ahead of the competition. We’re a data-driven and results focused agency that puts your brand’s product, service, or cause first. We build connections, increase awareness, and drive sales.

Whether you’re looking to activate via a cutting edge public relations campaign, make an impact on social, or increase your ROI on SEO and SEM, we have the knowledge to propel you to where you want to be. Above all, we know how to engage millennials, and even better we know how to get millennials engaging with you.

Our approach.

Millennial marketing Agency

Authenticity on display for a constantly changing generation

There have been thousands of think pieces written about how millennials "killed" entire industries by choosing to spend their money elsewhere. It's not true, of course, those industries ignored the central rule of marketing to millennials: make it authentic. 

In reality, millennials are the best educated and ambitious generations in history. The A-word informs and inspires literally every aspect of our millennial marketing campaigns. Whether we're creating content meant to provide value or building social presence, we're always seeking out the authentic message that will resonate with Millennials. Since millennials feel empowered to pave their own paths, they are not known for brand loyalty. We work extra hard creating messages that they want to hear now and as they age. 

Because even though they are getting older, they're approaches to marketing haven't smoothed out like previous generations. Their expectations are high and we approach marketing to this group with the same high expectations. Anything less and we're just talking to ourselves. 

How we work.

Integrating every arm of marketing with messages that flow

Dispelling the idea that all millennials think exactly the same isn't just about targeting messages and delivery platforms, it can also be about making sure that every message fits in with everything else. We are a fully integrated public relations and marketing agency that knows how to work with every part of the house to make a cohesive campaign that works on every level. 

We start by identifying the needs of your customers and the ways in which your industry might not currently be serving them. Then we determine the right approaches for making those important connections. Whether its social, content marketing, public relations, or some combination of all three (or others) we ensure that what your brand puts out into the world works perfectly with each other and matches your brand's values. 

Our Values and Beliefs

Our Millennial Marketing Expertise


Millennial Influencer Marketing

Our influencer network is comprised of creators with carry topical authority and genuine influence with millennial audiences.


Millennial PR

We are a global public relations agency with millennial specialists who understand the power of both pro-active and reactive PR.

Our formula.

  1. Think mobile first

    Millennials are much more likely to engage through mobile. If you use landing pages, make sure they are optimized for mobile. They should be quick to load and have a clear, mobile-friendly call-to-action. 

  2. Give them a say

    Get input directly from your audience — giving a sense of ownership in the product, which leads to increased brand awareness and loyalty.

  3. Create authentic content

    Instead of going in for the hard sell right away, provide millennial audiences with content they can can engage and interact with.

  4. Leverage the power of influence

    Rather than a traditional outbound advertising model, seek to form genuine partnerships with online influencers that millennials already trust.

  5. See where they are headed next

    Guess what, Millennials are middle-aged. As they've gotten older their priorities might shift but their overall outlook hasn't. Be cognizant of how the pragmatic idealism that shaped their youth is naturally evolving today.


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