Broadcast Media
What is broadcast media?
Broadcast media involves electronically and simultaneously sending information containing signals, print messages and audio or video content to a vast group of recipients using television, radio, newspapers, magazines and digital media including the Internet, emails and texts.
How broadcast media works
It is still relevant
Broadcast media may seem old school in this digital age. But it still has a major part to play in getting exposure of ideas, products, services, news and information out to a mass audience. Information travels along a communications network, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. In advertising, broadcast or traditional media can give a company a competitive edge over other businesses because there's an immediacy that makes an impact. People still watch televisions and listen to terrestrial radios. Consumers continue to read actual magazines in printed form. Consumers tend to remember the ads they hear or see on radio or television.This can be a boon for the brand. Print ads can be topical and spark discussion. Consider the controversy over the United Colors of Benetton ad campaigns launched in the early 2000's. Broadcast media, then, is a way to deliver messaging over networks that expose mass audiences to cultural, artistic, or political shifts and discussions in society.
Television is still a power player
Despite the omnipresence of the Internet; television provides great reach for businesses. And, make no mistake about it; business runs broadcasting. Almost everyone owns a television. With the reach that television has, especially in advertising, most larger companies with major budgets continue to use this medium as their primary sales tool. During a highly-rated prime time show on a major network; there's a captive audience of approximately 10 million people. Or, consider the clamor the day after each Super Bowl. Special event ads like these are memorable, giving maximum exposure and creating powerful brand recognition for those goods and services. Such ads can yield millions of dollars per minute of air time. The ads tend to be creative and dynamic so consumers remember them. Television is still one of the most creative forms of broadcast media because there's an ability to tell visually compelling stories infused with effective emotionality and humor.
Radio can make a local impact
Radio may be a minor player among broadcast media but it is still a player all the same. Radio tends to go local. For advertising and public relations, radio is less expensive to sell. Radio ads have the advantage of being easier to produce, ensuring a quicker turnaround than for print or television advertising. Radio is not dependent upon expensive and complicated equipment for remote broadcasts and activities. This can be ideal for local businesses who want to show community engagement and still connect with a local audience of consumers. Pew Research has reported that in one week approximately 91% of consumers listened to radio. Any way you cut it, that's still great exposure.
Broadcast media best practices
Don't take broadcast media for granted
There are still devoted consumers who have integrated radio, television, and broadcasting into their lives. According to the Nielsen ratings, the only consumers who are impacted the least by television are those aged 25-34. This group spends only 20 hours a week watching television. But consumers between the ages of 35-65+ watch between 28 and 48 hours of television weekly. Consider the exposure for advertisers who want to access these groups for information as well as selling goods and services. Broadcast media still delivers great brand recognition.
Broadcast media is timely
Broadcasters play to the here and now. News and information on television, on radio and in print generally speak to the most current issues of the day. Keeping shows and advertising relevant is a way of giving your brand a competitive edge. Remember, consumers want whatever is newer, faster and shinier than what they had in the past. If the ads are creative or humorous with a strong emotional component, consumers will likely remember the brand. Timely products advertised on relevant shows can remind consumers why your products are the best. Broadcast media can then be a way to break through the clutter.
Digital media can support broadcast media
Digital media is gaining ground in many ways because of how it is paired with traditional broadcasting methods. Television news shows request Twitter responses to stories in real time. Radio shows post special events on Facebook and ask for feedback to topical or funny subject matter. In this way, digital media supports the established methods of broadcast media. Live streaming is also increasing in popularity and has the potential of integrating larger groups of non-traditional or younger consumers into your audience for goods, services or information.