Media Outlet
What is a Media Outlet?
A Media Outlet is the broadcasting channel providing news, information and feature stories to the public by way of newspapers, magazines, social media and the Internet, television and radio.
How a Media Outlet Works
It connects people
Whether you get your news online or by reading a newspaper, the media outlet you choose keeps you connected with your world. But the media outlet you follow is contingent upon the kind of journalism that outlet uses. There are two kinds of journalism, Advocacy and Informative. Advocacy Journalism acts to convince viewers, listeners or readers to accept a certain narrative, even if that narrative purposely leaves out critical information that might work against the complete story. Informative Journalism provides all the information a reader, viewer or listener needs to follow the narrative in its entirety.
It is rated based on its audience
Given the spread of so-called fake news, audiences today are much more skeptical of their news sources because the media is a powerful entity that can control and shape public opinion for better or for worse.NPR vs. Fox News, conservatives vs. liberals, most trusted news vs. least trusted news are all designations audiences use to decide which media outlet to follow, read, listen to or watch. It is a given that audiences may decide on their media outlet based on subjective assumptions, depending on one's world view.
It is driven by business
Today, as in the past, business drives most media outlets. Ad rates, commercials, online and magazine subscriptions are dependent on bringing in the dollars so that media outlets can survive and thrive. As a result, large corporations with their boards of directors and shareholders often directly influence the opinions, news and information coming from America's news outlets. Even the Internet is not immune to the influence of business. For example, Facebook has made its own headlines fighting off accusations of manipulation by advertisers (both liberal and conservative) during the 2016 election.
Media Outlet Best Practices
It seeks balance
Every media outlet plays for keeps. The messaging that an outlet projects motivates its audience to remain loyal to an outlet's brand. On the other hand, balance brings a powerful dimension to a media outlet. Our public discourse improves by remaining open-minded and discerning to circulating stories as well as the opinions of political pundits and other talking heads. In this way, media provides a public service because it can allow the voiceless to be heard yet reduce outrageous claims by powerful forces working to increase disinformation, hostility and misunderstanding.
It encourages art and culture
Because of the deep divides in the public discourse on politics, culture, art, race and the role of government in our lives; we risk more narrowly defined perceptions of all forms of art and culture. People rely on art for inspiration and aspiration toward higher personal and public goals. Media outlets that provide ways to access art and culture help their audiences broaden their minds and see a wider vision of what America really can be.
It encourages all forms of diversity
It shouldn't matter whether a media outlet skews liberal or conservative; press freedom depends on a diversity of voices and viewpoints. When a culture relies on just one homogeneous world view, there is a greater potential for propaganda and authoritarianism. Fake News must always be battled with quantifiable, verifiable and proven facts.